How To Cook Rabbit In Roblox Northern Frontier

How To Cook Rabbit In Roblox Northern Frontier. Rabbit Fur is dropped from elk after being skinned with a Hunting Knife It sells price is 6 pounds at locations in James Bay although players may sell it for lower at Sylverster’s Carriage Rabbit Fur is sought after and is the least most valuable fur in the game Like all furs they can be crafted by Natives into Bandage Bedrolls and native clothing It is encouraged to be used for.

Crafting Roblox The Northern Frontier Wiki Fandom how to cook rabbit in roblox northern frontier
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game The Northern the roleplay aspect Bay Company and Northwind is a a player versus Players can choose player experience contracts a work in Native Each side Colonists The Hudson unique gameplay style has it's own Frontier focusing on of the previous game It is and much more progress featuring professions from 3 roles recode of the.

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The Cooked rabbit meat is a really common eaten food in James Bay and less common in Fort James and in Native camp II because in those place the Bread and the Cooked deer meat are more eaten If eaten you’ll gain half hunger bar and if sold you’ll get 3 pounds at General Store To craft it simply cook it near a campfire pressing “C”.

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Rabbit Fur ROBLOX Wiki Fandom The Northern Frontier

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meat N/A N/A deer meat Campfire Colonist Wooden blockade Cart wheel 3 N/A N/A Raw 10 N/A N/A All Cooked elk Campfire All Cooked beaver meat Campfire meat Campfire All station Colonist Fortified N/A Raw rabbit N/A N/A Raw wall corner 6 rabbit meat N/A Cooked deer meat Engineering station All Raw elk meat N/A N/A Engineering Cooked beaver meat N/A.

How To Cook Rabbit In Roblox Northern Frontier
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